Sunday, July 01, 2007

Protest 1, Nutting 0

Only about 100 people actually left PNC, the AP reports, confirmed by Pat (who was one of those ~100). The PG's Robert Dvorchak estimates about 1,000 left their seats. Pat's summary at WHYGAVS estimates 2-5,000, in which Pat declares Nutting victorious.

While I'm disappointed more people didn't walk out or at least get up for an inning, I think the protest had already accomplished its primary goal before the game even started: increasing awareness of the front office failure. Without the protest, Baseball Tonight doesn't devote several minutes to discussing the front office incompetence. Passan would have never written the "Nutting on MLB's teat" piece, and an AP story on the protest and the McNutting/DL losing streak doesn't run nationwide. Charlie wouldn't have written his pre and post protest thoughts, and Pat's uncle wouldn't have sat him down and set him straight. Bottom line: Pirate fans win, Nutting loses. Nutting might be an all-world fly-fisherman and businessman, but in any discussion involving baseball and with his current track record, Bob Nutting is a Loser.

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