Sunday, March 12, 2006

Roller coasters and resin-bag tricks

Zach Duke.

This Zach Duke journal is really good. First there is this:

There are some strange things that pop into your head when you are on the mound. For no reason, really -- that's the weird part. You name it, I've thought of it: Fishing, roller coasters -- I've thought about all kinds of stuff. I've though about Six Flags in Arlington, Texas. The Judge Roy Scream coaster -- I was, like, 'Why am I thinking about this?' It's just something that pops into my head for no reason. You have to remind yourself to get back to the task at hand.

Then, there is this:

One thing to do on the mound is to play with the resin bag... and it takes years of practice to get it right. The trick with the bounce is having a lifetime of practice. There's definitely an art form to it, tough. Some people can do some strange things with the resin bag; I can't. I'm pretty simple. I'm just trying to get the sweat of my hand.

What I mean is: I'm not really worried about impressing people with my resin bag skills. Even if I had them, which I don't, it's not in my nature to show off.

Some guys, though, they can do so many things, they're sick. Not me. Again, it's all about keeping my hand dry. I'd rub it in the dirt if I had to. In fact, I have. The resin bag just looks cooler, but dirt works pretty well.

Now that he has brought it to my attention, I will definitely be watching when he starts. For resin bag tricks.

He can take his time with the resin bag tricks. It may take years. I can wait.

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