Playoff odds now at nine percent of a percent of a percent.
This number should be getting bigger as the season progresses.
Huff and Karstens at seven.
Playoff odds now at nine percent of a percent of a percent.
This number should be getting bigger as the season progresses.
Huff and Karstens at seven.
Neil Walker cures the sick then hits dingers into the river. Show starts at seven.
Duke and Danks and the beginning of the Pedro Alvarez Era at seven.
Please join us at six along the banks of the Allegheny to collectively will Pedro to walk across the river during the pre-game show.
We are hardly ready.
I vote we go with Bones' plan, i.e., collectively will Pedro to make his PNC entrance and debut after walking across the river. In full gear, bat in hand.
Because there is no plan B.
Brad Lincoln and Freddy Garcia at seven. Hopefully the Bucs will not pick up any bad habits from these hapless American League teams.
Pirates get the day off to travel home from Detroit for a six-game homestand against the hapless American League.
Hopefully the vuvuzelas will sweep into PNC to better express our will.
Karstens and Galarraga at one. The Bucs should start planning entertaining stunts for Pedromas. I'd be entertained if fans lined the banks of the Allegheny, and willed Pedro to walk across. Of course if this only has a 37% chance of working, safety measures could be put in place.