Saturday, June 06, 2009

Game 55: Pirates at Astros

Maholm and Oswalt at seven.

With Gorkys in LCF and Cutch in RCF, a broad swath of the PNC outfield seats could be removed and that area covered in ice. Push the fence back, and have player #9, Nyjer Morgan, speedily patrol the new warning track on skates.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Game 54: Pirates at Astros

McCutchen II at eight, featuring Mike Hampton and Jeff Karstens.

With a two-man outfield (Nyjer in LCF and Cutch in RCF), where does the ninth player play?

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Game 53: McCutchen!

McCutchen vs. McCutchen at 12:35.

McLouth traded

For Gorkys Hernandez, Morton, and Locke. Looks like a pretty nice haul for Neal and the Bucs, bringing an official end to the Frodo and Sam (McLouth and Duffy) Era. We'll miss Nate and wish him the best.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Monday, June 01, 2009

Game 51: Mets at Pirates

Hernandez and Snell at seven.

Pirates are 22-28 - six games under.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Game 50: Astros at Pirates

Cy Hampton and Paul Maholm this afternoon.

Don't let Hampton's 1.56 WHIP or his 7 HRs allowed in 48 IP fool you. Bunker down in the southwest corner, and prepare the vats of boiling nacho cheese.